Aishet Hayil: Women of Valor
This show was dedicated to the memory of Julia Forchheimer (1900-1991) who emigrated from Germany to Jerusalem in 1936 to open the department of hand weaving at the Bezalel School, Israel's first national art school. The exhibition catalogue is designed in the form of an illustrated Aishet Hayil text with each of the artworks illustrated in full color next to the accompanying line. This 70-page publication contains 35 color photographs, an essay by Dr. Rifka Teitz Blau and Elisheva Rabinovitz Teitz, and a biography of Julia Forchheimer. The exhibition and catalogue publication were made possible by the generous contrition of the Forchheimer Foundation.
Soft cover booklet, 10 pages, 8 1/4" x 5"
35 color reproductions
ISBN: 0-945447-05-1
Price: $20.00
Member's Price: $18.00